Anonymous 09/10/2024 (Tue) 07:31 No.95339 del
I feel like the only difference between today's egirls and the old ones are the fact that the old ones where always fucked up (i.e Ciara, bianca, Audrey, marky) deep down but until they actually started getting traction for their attention whoring they didn't beleive that internet moids would actually care incel or not. But die to the rising popularity for it in 2017 other females started to realize that they don't have to portal themselves a certain way cause they'd get what they want regardless.

>>tldr today's egirls have proof that you can be ugly/ a shitty person/ extort men for attention and money without needing to put on as much of a facade.

Orbitbros need to start culling and reality checking some of these e whores that if you want attention and adoration you have to actually be likeable to some extent. Bring something to the table