Anonymous 09/18/2024 (Wed) 23:36 No.97530 del
it is exactly as i said. there is an anonymous predator on 4chan that does a variety of illegal and nefarious things behind proxies and sock puppet accounts on multiple platforms, like manipulating women and children for nudes, blackmailing women and children to be pimped out to other men online, forcing women and children to engage in self-mutilation, catfishing and grooming women and children on multiple platforms from /r9k/, /soc/, and adjacent communities. he has been doing this for many years, the recent advancements of AI are helping him with this depraved pastime of his, allowing him to even use more convincing voice changers and clone voices posted in vocaroo threads and discord servers. he can be hard to spot but he does slip up a lot. he poses from young to old, from male to female and everything in between when the situation calls for it. whatever information, pictures, videos, etc he gets from his victim, he stores it. i know he lurks endchan too. i don't expect anyone to know what or who i'm talking about.