Anonymous 09/20/2024 (Fri) 14:47 No.98064 del
Cewl I just skimmed through and got the impression that you were accused of being with some guy, sort of admitted meeting him, he got you a pc, maybe there was a pic of you with his nut on your eyes/mouth. I don't think I'm mixing up profiles. Got over drugs, I'm guessing pills or something hard like H. And Zelda for Nintendo lol I was always years behind on consoles. I played up to ocarina of time on 64 but lost in on the lore afterwards. I'll still mainly pick Link when my brothers get me to play Smash Bros when I see them. Don't self sabotage. Now you remind me of this girl I was with. I wasn't serious and didn't care about her chatting where we met, underanime I think it was, and it fucked her up. Not that I turned out stellar.