Anonymous 09/21/2024 (Sat) 20:15 No.98308 del
she calls people who use endchan and 4chan slobs but she sits on here looking at other girls and feeding off of the people who give her good attention.
she also tells girls younger than her to get a job while she sits on her ass calling herself a neet and a hikikomori. (i genuinely wonder if she has gone homeschooled since people in her school found out about everything and shes been confronted.) (she needs to be confronted again)
if anybody has any rare un edited photos or clips of her please post them..
it's crazy this bitch still larps not editing when theres sm proof. and i see no point, shes naturally pretty and had it going for her. the editing and ed shit is SO unattractive. its one thing to have an ed but to romanticize it and be proana is gross. genuinely why do girls think looking like eugenia cooney is attractive to anyone? the only thing attractive is their kidneys failing atp.
also the editing is so inconsistent i wonder how much longer shes gonna keep this up.