Anonymous 09/24/2024 (Tue) 23:59 No.99344 del
(3.92 KB 145x145 2d1.jpg)
I see no butthole.
Here is the content I said I'd drop. You thought I was bluffing.
Are you fucking sorry yet?
If that is really true than I genuinely pity them because she actually got pissed off at me for not wanting to masturbate to her homemade porn because I found her exhibitionist fetish off-putting and her being heavy-handed about it actually turned me off so badly I was losing my erection trying to fap to it with her.
If you've been paying attention I don't actually even really want to hurt her, I don't care about proving shit, and frankly is this just fun to me.
>She doesn't care about endchan anymore
Between me and seemingly a mod or multiple mods choosing to fuck with her I'm guessing she just doesn't want to deal with it. I can't blame her, well I wouldn't put myself in her situation, I wouldn't want to deal with it either.