Anonymous 09/25/2024 (Wed) 02:06 No.99382 del
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oh my *gawd*, hiiiiii babes! it’s me, the villain of the story, obvi. ugh, lemme just spill some tea for all you little gossip queens who are sooo invested in this messy drama. buckle up, sugar!

first off, NO, we were not dating, ew. like, are you kidding? we got close super fast, but it was all deep *feelings* or whatever. honestly, we were both kinda feeling weird about it, and i had to dip 'cause the vibes were... not it, babe. i don’t do awkward.

sooo, yeah, maybe i said some things about her having a boyfriend, oops? but like, she didn’t wanna be all public with it 'cause she didn’t want you lil' thirsty simps getting the wrong idea. she actually cares about what you all think, which is like, cute, but also... why?! anyway, not my problem. let her have her fun with you clowns, lol.

oh and her whole internet practice girlfriend thing? *giggle* i mean, you do you, girl! i’m not getting in the way of her lil' fan club. practice on, sweetie!

about that BPD drama? i’m just saying, maybe she’s got those vibes, but like, idk. i’ve got BPD too (duh, i’m a queen managing it flawlessly), but i just say what i see, babes. no shade, just facts.

and yeah, i threw a little shade her way, but that’s only 'cause she straight-up twisted what i said. like, girl, please. i'm not here to make it a thing, but if y’all wanna simp for her, go off, i guess. just know that i’m not impressed. and if you’re specifically simping for her? honey, you need to look in a mirror. bless your heart ❤️.

we did talk, though, and like, yeah, we’re cool now... i guess? maybe we’ll stay friends, maybe not. who knows? we’re in totally different worlds, and honestly, staying friends might be more drama than it’s worth. but pro tip: if you care about her, stop acting like she’s your real gf, 'cause the second you pull that nonsense with an actual girl? bye, babe. she’s ghosting you faster than you can say left on read. real talk. 💅

i wasn’t trying to cause drama (well, maybe a little), but cewl, babe, if you’re reading this—thanks for the chaos. it was low-key exhausting but also kinda fun? i didn’t wanna open up to you, but weirdly, i’m feeling better now. go figure.


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