Anonymous 09/25/2024 (Wed) 13:36 No.99489 del
You clearly have little to no idea what you're talking about.....
I really don't care to drag puka into this, she was my friend, she's not now, that made me really sad and still kind of stings, you can fill in the blanks how you want.

I feel like this may be data guy, you talk similarly enough, so let me just go mask off and lay my cards on the table here for a moment and either look really stupid or really smart...

So, you added me, I said I wasn't going to give you Cewls nudes because you would have been the 4th person to ask. My whole goal was to alienate her slightly but things clearly spiraled into an entire fucking circus act as anyone who looks back at Cewls... 17th? Thread can see. Anyway, you accused me of leaking Cewls nudes before realizing it wasn't me. I asked what else you wanted, you didn't answer so I unadded you. You readded me, tried to claim it was you the entire time, did this whole thing where you tried to paint yourself as an altruistic and more competent version of me. I ran with it, and gave you the impression I really looked up to you, you explained how it was you coordinating things with me and Cewl from the very start, and I let you say your piece and than I proceeded to act like a paranoid schizophrenic in an attempt to get you to slip up, which you did. You showed that you'll run with a story if you feel confident, you'll even over play your hand if you're sure of my gullible ass would eat it up, when I said "If it was also you that set things up with puka, thank you, that was a genuine wakeup call" you didn't even respond, most likely because you had no idea what the fuck I meant and knew if you tried to play into it you'd make it obvious what you were doing... Well, more obvious.
I asked if you were part of an "internet protection agency" and you ran with it. You're clearly not, but you displayed the most basic competence when you tried to go with it and that was when I ended our conversation because I knew everything I needed to know.

So taking all of that into mind....

In an attempt to prove you were behind the drama with Cewl and me you showed a screenshot of you telling her what to say on the second account, and later claimed you had access to her account and were the one talking to me directly from the beginning(weak "proof" btw), I'm going to call bullshit. I think it's 50/50 that Cewl was either leading me on or genuinely caught feelings and in a blind rage did what she could to lash out at me and just walked into every single trap I laid, I literally telegraphed everything to her and made it clear what she could do to not fuck everything up btw.... But hey, she's not a smart woman and doesn't work well under pressure.
I base this one the fact that she was pretty high on xanax for the first 2 days and well it cause you to black out it your brain can still form emotional responses to things and perhaps she didn't know why but she did feel very safe and very comfy with me, which would only make her want to get closer to me. (ex xanax junky, when I was high my emotions were very real, albeit unrefined/exaggerated)

I don't think you're a simp, I think you care about Cewl, I think you wanted this all to end for her sake and knew she didn't have the mental wherewithal to just be smart when dealing with a sociopathic troll like myself. You wanted to scare me, but instead you just encouraged me.

Like lmao, had she just not immediately attacked me with the one thing she could, or talked to me in private and not try to bite my head off because I didn't do what she wanted, none of this would have happened. But she chose to be a bitch, as seems to be the usual response with Cewl lore, and I have really changed the game for her. I may or may not stick around long term, I exposed that she does indeed string along the few simps she has well giving it up to guys like me, I didn't even need to prove she's into BBC she walked onto that little landmine herself, and I like to think that she'll never forget about me... Even after years of therapy <3