Delastelle#yJglTF 09/25/2024 (Wed) 14:36 No.99527 del
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It wasn't me so stop talking to ghosts and further incriminating yourself. I do help in an initiative for Internet safety because I have a degree in cybersecurity and I work in this area, next year I'll probably be what you could call a fed. Also don't make me post the video of you "trying to play me" (like you said), it'd be beating a dead horse, or in this case, a pig.
About Cewl and whatnot, believe what you will, and that goes for the other retards who are feeding you baits but your "sociopathic mega mind" may be out of tune to understand it. I'm sure it's all just a play and you know they're trolling you, right? Yeah, give me a break, self-diagnosed "sociopath".
I'm not here anymore. I know Cewl from way back and I ended up on Endchan just to write an archiver module for this imageboard, Odili (admin) can vouch for me if you ask him. I only get alerts on my dashboard now if someone is mentioning me or Cewl.