Anonymous 09/25/2024 (Wed) 14:53 No.99531 del
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that's cewt...
Go ahead post it. If you are a "fed" in the making you really need to get your emotions under control. It's too easy to get you to say more than you should and get in your head well you're getting into mine. If you were actually doing an investigation on me you would have completely fucked it up just by telling me you were, let alone getting as hand on as you did. I have family in law enforcement, I know how these things work more than I probably should...

Also, what investigation? That I'm willing to throw shit at some adult woman who throws shit at me? I'm willing to bully someone who is known bully? *Gasp*
I'll tell you something my lawyer said when I tried to sue my employer for discrimination a while ago,
"Unfortunately it's not illegal to be an asshole. I really wish it was."

I doubt you even know which of my fans or haters are just me and which are actually trolls feeding my megamind, You're not an admin on this site, that much is clear and you can see which post is made by which ip(I assume) but you can't access what would be required to see the actual data on the sites users, because you really wouldn't be saying any of the things you've said to me about this subject if you knew which posts were actually mine.

It's not self diagnosed. BPD+ASPD is a really dangerous mix and it's a really bad idea to provoke someone who has that combination.
I'm not like the other boys. ^.^
>I'm not here anymore
Yet here you are
>I'm a huge simp for Cewl
If that's true your approach was really piss poor because it really seemed intended to escalate things, that or you really just think all bullies are cowards. Most are, I'm not. I usually don't bully people but every now and than I just find someone who... really deserves it.
Anyway, you can continue with your little LARP, it's only going to encourage me to continue with mine.¯\_(ツ)_/¯