Anonymous 09/25/2024 (Wed) 16:39 No.99571 del
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Not exactly the "I realize I fucked up and I'm sorry I hurt you" I was hoping for, but sure, good enough.
I hope you eventually realize that what you do is wrong and you start making better choices in life.
I know I'm always going to be me, and that will never change, maybe you're in that same boat but I genuinely don't think it's too late for you.
Whether you chose to accept that maybe I told you the truth or you chose to believe it was all just cheap theatrics is up to you.

I guess I'd like to drop one last bit of my personal lore if you don't mind...
I chose the name Doom because it's simple and elegant, profound, and common enough that I can blend in. That and the quote from the game really resonated with me.
"They are rage, brutal without mercy, but you, you will be worse. Rip and tear until it is done"*Doom song plays*
heh, autistic af, I know.

Thanks for going on this wild ride with me, it's been real, and it's been fun, and honestly it's been real fun.

I'll stay away for real this time. But for real, for both our sakes stay off of /r9k/ I don't want either of us to get hurt more.

I love you Cewl, sorry about that.