Anonymous 09/25/2024 (Wed) 21:57 No.99769 del
You don't seem to understand.
I get it, way better than I let on. I'm self aware and more lucid than i come off as.
I play a character online. Some shit genuinely bothered me, sure. But as far as this whole thing goes... I was having fun, and yes I cared and to some extent probably still do care about Cewl.

My life is more together than you could possible realize. I do work, I'm actually pretty well off financially, I have friends I talk to every day, I workout and am super interested several hobbies. I actually have a lot of interests outside of trolling.
Cewl called me fat but I'm pretty active and well I have a gut, I'm not that big. Hell, by American standards I'm practically malnourished.

I do struggle with ASPD+BPD and one of my bigger flaws is that when I find something stimulating and entertaining, I will run with it. This entire drama, this fiasco, it's just been fun to me. I think it's probably been pretty fun for Cewl as well, perhaps not, but again, ASPD, what she feels is definitely secondary. Even more so when you realize she was the one who really kicked this off.
But if i thought I was genuinely harming her, or myself, I'd've backed off a while ago.

Sorry is that was too skitzo ranmbly for you. I just like to be clear and thorough with what I mean.