Anonymous 09/26/2024 (Thu) 11:26 No.99993 del
I'm not so sure. She would have most likely been in Sheep Village and joined Ciara's private servers. And we all know what happened in there, Ciara and her fling of the week would pretend to be someone's friend while doing the same shit people are currently doing ITT to the girls, doxxing them, blackmailing them, etc., which invited random anons to join in and stir the pot. At least here it's all concentrated in one place with a single server involved, which Cewl herself owns. Even girls who get posted here that have never done anything wrong have random anons on her tail trying to ruin their life for no reason. Personally, I have always suggested to the girls here that they should leave the second it gets rough. There's no reward in it, and most of them grow out of their histrionics by the time they're in their early 20s and grow to regret everything.