Anonymous 03/30/2022 (Wed) 08:01:59 No.3474 del
Yeah, can you believe it? Girls really do be going after those weak effeminate guys because of the pill. This girl was all over me and then just dropped me like that and this faggot still thinks he has a chance with her always liking her facebook posts. Hey, at least I'm not the one that revealed my erectile dysfunction to everyone at work by trying to sleep with every girl there. Like wtf bro, your dick doesn't work and you out here trying to fuck all these girls and steal gfs? I've had several girls tell me he just lies on his back and rubs his flaccid floppy dick in them that he pumped up with a penis pump. The girls he has slept with have all said sex with him was bad. He would keep magnum condoms on him and his fiancée told me before she left his ass that his dick is totally not magnum condom big and she had no idea that he did that, lmao. Dude was a total weirdo. the most embarrassment he's ever caused me was I used to let him stay at my place and my grandmother came over one day and noticed ants all over my couch. So I was like wtf, who has been eating in the living room? I lifted up the couch cushions to find an old tshirt of his covered in cum stains and the ants were eating it. I have no idea why I stayed friends with this guy so long? I guess it was because we played the same games at the time, but he got heavily into his discord friends that played Overwatch and Destiny and just acted like I didn't matter as a friend anymore. Speaking of Overwatch, that's why his fiancée left him. He chose Overwatch over her thinking he was going to be some esport champion and as soon as she left him, he was booted from their team for being toxic. He abandoned me at our old apartment to move in with some girl and after he got settled in thinking he had a chance with her, he found out she already had a live in bf and was only looking for a roommate to help pay bills, lmao. A lot of good he'll do. He fucking abandoned me at our apartment and we got evicted.