Anonymous 03/30/2022 (Wed) 08:16:36 No.3476 del
I forgot to mention he is obsessed with morbidly obese women, yet his fiancée was thin as a rail and every girl he gone after especially the ones I was interested in that he showed no interest in until I was talking to them was of a healthy weight. He literally brought home this giant 6ft morbidly obese mexican woman that had the biggest cankles I have ever seen. When they went to the store, she rode around on one of those elderly scooters. When she walked around our apartment, things on the shelves would rattle and fall over and the floor creaked. She popped, not a spring, but a wooden rail under his mattress. To save the relationship with his fiancée, he thought that having his mother and aunt come over and kick out her mother would fix things. This dude took my cat and gave it to an adoption organization telling them I was a bad owner. He then tried to do this again with my little sister's cat that I was watching for her. He won't talk to me now because he's afraid I'll beat him up and in the past he told his parents that I was trying to kill him so he needed to move to another state. They found out later, it was to fuck another fat chick who dumped his ass in less than a month and left him stranded there with no way to get home for like a year. When he finally got back, he expected that girl to mail him his stuff and she decided to keep it all, lmao. Dude is so fucked up on pills right now, he suffers from daymares and night terrors because he has insomnia from staying up all night for the past few years to play Destiny. He claims he has anxiety and depression he probably does now, but it originally was a scam to get sympathy from girls and collect disability from the gov't. Dude is the saddest piece of shit I know.