NEET 06/27/2023 (Tue) 00:10 No.719144 del
my cat is nothing like that
he's a fucking demon
for 2 full hours each day, he goes full schizo
runs around the house, bumps into everything, and attacks anyone/anything
mind you, those 2 hours are never in a row
if I go in the balcony (it's an open one) he follows me, and picks up bugs
then he carries the fucking bugs in my shoes
he often doesn't even kill them, he just handicaps them until they can't move properly anymore
then he gets bored he lets them die in pure agony
now and then I go to sleep
he meows at the door while I'm asleep
he's not hungry
he doesn't even want to be petted
as soon as I open the goddamn door he runs as fast as he can from me
then I go back to sleep, only for this shit to happen again and again
you can't even pet him, unless he's asleep, or almost asleep