NEET 09/26/2023 (Tue) 22:40 No.751475 del
Morning bros
Just had a massive blew with Mum. I went to take a piss and heard her on the phone in the kitchen. She was talking to her friend who has a 16 year old daughter who 'wants to be a boy', I stood in the hallway to listen and she was actually encouraging her friend to let the daughter live as a boy, and that eventually after she comes of age she'd move to Melbourne and start living the progressive tranny lifestyle. I was actually so fuming that my fear were getting warm and my hands were tingling. Couldn't believe she was pushing that shit on a literal teenager.
She came to my room after realising I was awake and had an absolute spat at me. We both went off and it got deep quick. I told her I have no positive memories of her as a child and that mine, and my brother(s) mental issues were a result of her persistant narky, divorcee behaviour. She didn't like that much and it ended in her yelling at me that her and my old man think my adult life is a complete failure and disappointment. She repeatedly told me I was a loser and a fuckup and even as a kid she knew I would end up this way.
I told her I was gonna live in my car because it was preferable to living with her. Maybe I'll do it or maybe I'll be a bitch