NEET 10/13/2023 (Fri) 04:27 No.757035 del
(283.61 KB 1280x960 axe murder.jpg)
Productive field trip. Location scouted to middle depth detail. Camped in a arboretum but got rolled on by cursed white trash normies. Ended up patrolling the ADHD Retard kid because he was cutting down the exotic trees. Took his hatchet off him and had words to his junkie looking guardians about the vandalism and litter. Bugged out straight away and slept somewhere else because security situation i.e. them calling pigs on me saying I was that baddie out of star wars, you know the one with the red light saber. Gotta take the risk factor into account when your going vigilante mode and already have a HOV on paper.
Safe and free back in the Compound. Patrolling possum next.