NEET 10/25/2023 (Wed) 07:10 No.761533 del
(4.12 MB 4128x3096 Pasda.jpg)
Romans used to have fish sauce with everything, it was their tomato sauce and it was produced by the ton in cement vats.
Anchovies are in many ways a poor second, if you've got fish sauce you should use it in Italian food.

White onions are bad, instead use green/challotes or wild onions. Don't think of red onions as Spanish, that's like thinking potatoes are Irish.

I fried the meatballs in the bacon fat, cooked the onions and peppers and then added passata/ tomato paste.

Very important to finish the pasta in the pan, it improves the texture and thickens the sauce. I used to use the wok but cast iron works better, keeps the pasta hot.

Executive serves will be available at the commune for $5.50.