NEET 12/05/2023 (Tue) 12:39 No.782599 del
>known to police due to his previous stays at NAmbout and Maryborough health facilities
Yeah, because coppers will just disclose that to anyone.
Please learn the meaning of words before using them.
>i am very coy and carefull to give out information these days.
You posted your email address in a screenshot only about a month ago.
The asymmetry really gets to him. The only information that nuro has on IGA is that photo of IGA from a decade ago and IGA's phone number. Both of these were given to nuro by IGA. Nuro otherwise knows nothing about him. Meanwhile IGA knows nuro's name, address, names of relatives, phone number, email address etc.
>uppity chink uni student
No, that would be me.
>cant make it in the real world again.....
<no qualifications
<no money

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