NEET 03/15/2024 (Fri) 07:58 No.827856 del
Just got back from the cop shop. The pigs picked me up because some busy body complained that I was being a nuisance homeless but all I was doing was having rest in the park after my double shift at KFC, The boss wanted me to clean the deep fry sump and I was there until 4AM and just exhausted so I lay down in the park on the way home until my bus which comes at 5AM and was asleep and then suddenly theres this wanker yelling at me and accusing me of being drunk and he tips this random bottle of goon on me and says now everyone is going to think im a drunk, basically i got assaulted. I was so shocked I thought he was gonna rape me, I just froze and then the cops come and i'm covered in someone elses vile throwbacks with a smashed bottle next to me and the pigs frog march me into the paddy wagon and I ended up in the watchhouse with murderers and drug dealers and no one would beleive me that I was just exhausted. They went through my bag and found my uniform and must have called my boss because When I got my phone back theres this message saying I dont have a job anymore because KFC doesnt employ neets who get in trouble with the police. I really needed that job to pay my car off and basically the rent and food. Now I'm going to lose everything and be on the streets. Why does this happen to me?