NEET 03/17/2024 (Sun) 20:49 No.828802 del
First you wash your face with warm water, that softens your beard. Then apply shaving cream (just use the spray can type, no need to do with a brush and soap, shake the can first) around your face and neck. It's enough over the board and stache, it is unnecessary to spread it onto your forehead and nose. Then put the razor - use a safety razor, not a blade - to your face, you don't have to apply pressure just rest it by its weight, then pull it along your face vertically (90 degree to the razor, basically where the handle points move it into that direction). Remove the foam off your face and neck, one strip after another. Wash the foam and hair off the razor after each pull. After you finished, wash your face with cold water, remove the remnants of the foam as well. After all this you can apply aftershave. I tried ones with and without alcohol (do not apply that one orally), but I came to the conclusion, it's enough to wash me face and that's that. Sometimes I apply hand cream or lotion if I feel my skin is too dry.