NEET 05/31/2024 (Fri) 08:47 No.858903 del
I intended to find a girl to take on a date today but I failed to do so. I had a few decent opportunities but I kept getting too nervous. It was unwise of me to set the goal I did because it increased the pressure. I think the whole thing works best if I just treat it as a fun little game in which the reward is the play. I had a brief chat with a girl at one point after she smiled at me in a stairwell. It started off well but then I got spooked and said goodbye before walking off. She was fairly tall (a tad shorter than me) too so I'm fucking spewing (I haven't had a girl taller than me be the slightest bit interested in me since year 10 but she went to a different school for years 11 and 12. She is a paramedic in Sydney these days). At least she has replaced the girl in black as my imaginary gf for the time being.
A problem I have at uni is that the need to be quiet in the library keeps me from talking to girls there except in the hallways and stairwells which is pretty limiting as it is down to chance. The main student area (hub central) doesn't have that problem but girls there tend to be in groups (which makes the approach even more intimidating) or really focused. The girl on Wednesday was sitting outside one of the buildings and the girl on Monday was in hub central but she kept making eye contact which I took as an invitation. It occurred to me that talking to girls that are walking around outside avoids the noise issue, the group-of-girls issue and the issue of her-sitting-whilst-I-am-standing. I did a trial run by talking to an Arab girl on Frome street about her umbrella and she responded quite well. I tried again with a nerdy looking girl who was wearing a lolita outfit. She was polite but clearly not interested. Anyway, do you think that approaching girls at Rundle Mall might be a good idea? (As opposed to limiting myself to the uni?)