NEET 06/01/2024 (Sat) 06:14 No.859218 del
(90.82 KB 759x508 fuck my shit up.jpg)
Finks insider here: We often used to smuggle smack inside bags of shitty weed openly in the boot. When the country cops stopped up they would turn their noses up at all the paperwork for busting a bale of bush weed and accept a couple of pineapples to let it slide.

Post office insider here: We often used to go thru suspiciuos parcels looking for drugs which went went home with us because no one is going to complain that their parcel of pills or hydro or spice went missing, are they?

Jaycar insider here: We often used to bend one of the pins of IC's or if there were a bag of them we'd get a peizo lighter and fuck one up, just because we are evil and hate our customers.