Anonymous 02/04/2024 (Sun) 14:31 No.49799 del
I don't know if my State would secede or not but we are a conservative State today and it's gun country where I live. As long as people in the States are still paying taxes to the federal government they wouldn't really be seceding from the USSA. It would take states cutting off all ties, including law enforcement ties, with the federal government and then you would have to convince Americans not to pay taxes to the federal government (aka stop helping fund their tyranny). That would get very ugly. Feds would likely cut off all rebelling State funds, including pensions and social security and any federal welfare programs to those States. There would likely be internal sabotage of industry and real estate. Not to mention riots from welfare dependents. Feds would start ignoring violent crimes in those States too, like murder and arson. The only good outcome would be the collapse of an empire of lies and usury, but to a huge expense and hardship for average working Americans (especially those who never bothered to prepare for hard times). I would be OK since I've been a prepper for many years but how many other families have a two year supply of long-term food storage, wood burning stove for winter, solar panels to go off-grid if need be, a collection of extra clothing/boots/shoes/undies, extra basic essentials, (etc) when times get very rough? Not many.