Anonymous 03/09/2024 (Sat) 15:07 No.24238 del
I only watched it ironically. Watched it for the animation (which is almost painfully slow, but hey, MACK animation did that shit of course. NOT related to my own macker, in which animation is better there.), and kept seeing it for if it ever improved from the first film.
Oh, and it's in Germany. The british actors had to be there from where I live at.
>i-it's almost l-like he wants people to kno-
Know what? That I actually do something useful like watching a movie? Drawing without anyone bothering me? Even going to the store to help stock other things?
None of my stuff is anyone's business - not even a stranger.
>he has the mind of a-
No I don't. I don't think a 5 year old would know about nsfw stuff or even fetish art, so that assumption you keep saying from 2 years ago isn't really true. So no I don't have any mind of a child in my head. Either way, I don't know why you care - since you ALSO act like a fucking child.
I act like a citizen who's already given up on HELPING you... I just want you to know boundaries.
there wasn't any sex in the movie
also the dracula (as a bat) design looked like it belonged to a blue sky film.
LITERALLY HOW? HOW is it pornographic. You dont even watch a movie, animated or not.