Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 10:40 No.26445 del
your "point of view" doesnt mean you mock someone getting SA'd by a german freak... or even mocking their drawings and cartoons.
I only have compassion/empathy to those who don't weirdly save my childhood photos and be questionable about it, or even to me in general at all. Fuck you, Klim.
Revenge porn is ONLY such if I draw a REAL person, with IDENTIFYING features from said person, NOT an ENTIRELY FICTIONAL, FAKE character. AND ALSO, It wasn't even INTENDED to be PORN porn?? It was just fucking crack shit because yeah I wanted you to SHUT your TRAP about minors drawing nsfw.
So... how about learn your "logic" first before you come accusing like the wailing banshee who cried vixen?