Anonymous 03/18/2021 (Thu) 04:44:05 No.22873 del
The normie backlash wasn't over her being girly or feminine. It was because she was cosplaying a sex worker. I'm getting the feeling that you're defining 'feminine' the same as Bonbi, where it implies sexier types of outfits with more skin and cleavage. Maybe you're just being intellectually dishonest. I'm really starting to doubt that those cosplays are getting harassed solely because they're feminine. Am I wrong? How would you define the feminine cosplays that are getting so harassed? Which ones specifically draw a lot of negativity from the vile bonbiwoofer?
I would say that some of her most feminine and girly cosplays are her Roxy, Sabrina and Bubbles cosplays. I'd say they're all very well received as well.