Anonymous 01/07/2022 (Fri) 17:24:27 No.28528 del
(1.89 MB 1280x720 boobabonkers.mp4)
(13.19 MB 536x400 hair ruffle.mp4)
(72.14 KB 201x239 i love you.png)
(935.39 KB 715x891 animal crossing.png)
>bonbi had a horrendous cough the entire stream
>likely just allergies
>bonbi got "affiliated", you can now sub and donate with something called "bits"
>visited a friend in LA with her other friend (names not disclosed)
>spent new years laying on a mattress looking at tiktoks
>bonbis flight back was delayed - had a panic attack at the airport and started crying
>also got a panic attack inside the airplane due to pressure building up inside her head
>couldnt find the setting to turn on the crosshair in her video game, so bonbi drew one on her monitor with nail polish
>bonbi can fit 7 plushies inside her onesie
>bonbimerch delayed due to copyright concerns (design is a video game character)
>not sure what happened to christmas miku, might still do it
>bonbi and emiru are related (sisters)
>casually bites emiru all the time
>fell asleep watching emirus birthday stream
>cooking streams unlikely because she has too many family members walking about
>old bonbihouse was flooded by a hurricane in 2014 (actually pretty cool piece of bonbilore if true. she kinda threw it out there randomly)

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