Anonymous 01/01/2020 (Wed) 22:01:50 No.407 del
You guys are seriously slow. Where have you fucking been for the last decade?

Storm's bullshit stupidity has been obvious for years and years to anyone with any modicum of fucking sense. All of those stupid failed forums, the stupid bubbleTVs, forum after forum, long before 'bubblepop'. Forums that got overrun with spam or shutdown, not because Storm is 'Hitler' like you guys are constantly whining about. It's because storm is an inept doofus and he surrounds himself with worthless yes-men, in a community where no on has had an original thought. He's a guy who used to act like a fucking typical weirdo fetishist on Yahoo, and spends his time these days huffing paint on reddit. You should be fucking embarrassed and ashamed that he lives inside your head this fucking much, and rent fucking free.

And guess what?? All those fucking years and all of that stupidity and ineptitude, you dumb motherfuckers followed him; like stupid sheep you followed him to every two-bit forum he ever made and halfassed ran. You are all only mad now because he kicked you out of a shitty lame forum, and you don't know how to keep your fucking mouths shut.

But, the fetish community is trash, and you guys don't know shit.