The Punishment Of My People Forever Anonymous 04/17/2023 (Mon) 21:48 No.381 del
The Punishment Of My People Forever

"Speak to My people, My son.  They are against Me.  They will not allow My Spirit into their assemblies.  For that I will punish.  They do not want Me.  They want self.  My Church will be destroyed because they do not want Me, the Holy Ghost.  They would rather do without Me than to let Me flourish in their assembly.  Hard-hearted sinners will be rounded up and cast into Hell.  That goes for My wicked people who does not want Me.  That I will punish forever in deepest Hell.  How can My Church exist without Me, the Living God?  I Am All In All, the Eternal God.  Why do they not want Me?  They want self, and that in abundance.  They would rather have that then Me, self-sufficient fools.  How can they exist without Me, says God?  That I will punish forever, says God.  My people will be rounded up and put into flaming Hell, goats they are.  There are few of My sheep still around.  Most of them have fled the world of the Church where they do not fit in, but were rather expelled for not being one of them, the goats.  That I will punish forever, My son.  My goats shall be rounded and cast into Hell forever.  Few serve Me, My son.  Most would be rather doing their own thing in the Church world than be following Me.  Few are left who serve Me in sincerity and truth.  My people do not want the Spirit around.  It convicts them, and they do not want that.  My people are wicked, serving the Devil, not Me, for all they want is money and prosperity.  That's all.  They do not want Me deep down inside, because they would rather have the money in the world, the things in the world.  Not Me.  For that I must punish in deepest Hell.  Expect it!  Your LORD has spoken.  Amen, My son."