Anonymous 07/10/2021 (Sat) 18:54 No.794 del
>”Twwwenty? Twenty-one?” He counted out the years on his finger best he could, trying to factor in their visiting sister’s birthday on top. “...Let’s do that.”
>Snapping up cards for both a twentieth and twenty-first anniversary they turned the aisle corner, their time running short
>And there, resplendent in some great, marketed display of the plush arts, was Franny
>Or at least a stuffed figurine of a nandroid whose hair, now just a lump of cloth stuffed and stitched together, was styled like Franny’s
>The little plushie was just one of several dozen, stacked together in a towering display alongside other bits and bobs of Sterling merchandising
>Shoppers idly passed it by to view the magazine selection next to it, but he boys were absorbed in the display
>A universe of nandroids was stacked limply atop each other, each with their own unique felt-and-cotton hairstyles
>Here was a bobbed redhead, and there the messied pixie-cut of a rockstar or spaceman
>And, their eyes settling on the bottom-most ring of them, their own home nanny-droid
>”...Should we?”
>”I don’t think we’ll be allowed to-
>”Ryan,” Nathan snipped, “I think we can whine *enough* to where we can get something for-”
>”For Franny?”
>”Wait… yeah! Franny would… she’d like it I think?”
>”Let’s grab it then!”
>Nabbing the tiny figure, its little cardboard tag swinging behind it, the boys zipped off to meet their sister

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