Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 11:02 Id: 3ec7a7 No.1623 del
Also just to note comoared to bolsheviks

Many wall street big names and stockholm central bank
>Funded a openly terrorist org seeking terror on earth on land that resisted this interests since the end of napoleonic wars
>Began pouring funds far before officialy revolution began there
>Employed international connections to give those terrorists diplomatic imunity in UK, canada, US, Swizerland, Germany and sweden
>Employed measures to fund as same as bad terrorist reds in rest of europe and sending funds btw even after revolution to commit attrocities over civilian population and furfilling globalist ambitions or even open businesses before impossible to have as tsar wasnt a retard
>Covered up for those same terrorists the illegal territory expansions in asia minor and later europe as unlike in nsdap germany rotschild got uis bank in ussr after revolution

Meanwhile in nsdap germany that was supposedly funded by these same forces
>Thrown under embargo barely a year after consolidation of power trough legal means and even there attempted to be suppresed by same forces it was supposedly funded before election
>Diplomatically shunned trough these forces for its measures preventing subversion of nation trough direct or indirect moves whatever trough social protectionist laws to labour law with its italian sibling
>Supposedly funded in nation where those same forces BEFORE them had created their paradise on earth and being the PROVEN shadow goverment of weimar germany and could get easy consolidation of power trough KPD and SPD
>For some reason the same supposedly funding forces shunned every move nsdap did whatever it was its foregin policy or internal policy
>For some reason the same funded forces represented and did everything possible to fight those who supposedly funded them by measures they hate

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