Neck Training Anonymous 10/27/2022 (Thu) 01:53 No.167 del
And on the note of retarded shit, neck training. I recently took interest in it and I've been following the first image but with weights, the second is mostly for reference on how exactly to weigh a neck exercise.

The back and forth tilts are essentially the same as to chin to chest/chin away from chest in the second image, and side to side the same as the side to side, obviously.

Upright rows (ideally with kettlebell or ez bar for shoulder health) can have some alright carryover, as well as anything that will grow your traps (aka heavy power shrugs and heavy deadlifts).

Neck bridges are an option, though I personally find them dubious and not worth doing compared to the exercises in the first image.

If you fear sleep apnea from neck gains, don't. There's very little hard science on necking training causing sleep apnea or breathing issues, it's generally based on the science proving that bigger people (fat) tend to have bigger necks (fat) among other parts, with no research really accounting for intentionally growing the neck.