Anonymous 08/08/2019 (Thu) 22:24:51 Id: 5d5f4f No.42 del
Dooood I totally worked in the industry, I tested "Fight Club" on Xbox consoles south of Los Angeles. Mostly my resume has been IT employment, but sometimes you take a 60 day contract and whammo there I was, "Working in video games"
You'd go into the place and the distribution lady (at a window inside the place like a window where you would buy french fries or something) hands you your "work" which consists of an xbox, the title in question (In this case the mostly lamentable "fight Club" video game, and you just go kick back at your station, don your headphones and try to find bugs in the game. This means breaking every bone in every way. I for one really will always love that game.
But as to "Was it suitable for girls? Well no but there were lots of girls around the place.