Mental loops [upgrade] WiseGod & others* 07/17/2022 (Sun) 16:05:00 No.1209 del
>>580 >>1164

Some people are trapped in mental loops, repeating the same mental patterns,...
Probably you have more mental loops than you think, specially because you have to repeat/refresh some thoughts/ideas probably caused by the destructive sleeping mechanism that removes/manipulates temporal memories!

The escape of loops requires some awareness of yourself (self-awareness) and to know how to break them (solutions to conscious problems). Please, focus into ascend to a higher/better mental realm! Free yourself from unnecessary repetitions of thoughts (from the "heavy gravity" of some thoughts).

Beware of the opposite: >>785
Related topics: >>937 >>863

*Others: MaintainGod, MemoryGod, AscendGod & EnlightenGod

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