Global plan PlanningGod & more 01/29/2023 (Sun) 06:01 No.1505 del

Planning All:
Creating the global plan. [CreatorGod]
Well designed plan. Awesome, excellent, sublime, magnificent, worthy quality plan. [PlanningGod,SystemGod,ProgrammingGod,TheoryGod,ScienceGod]
Beneficial/useful plan. [PowerGod]
Wise plan. [WiseGod,EnlightenGod,WisdomGod]
Positive/blissful plan. [PositiveGod,BlissGod]
Harmonious plan. [HarmonyGod]
Eternal/everlasting plan. [GodOfAll,FutureGod,LifeGod,BufferGod]
Main/core plan. [CoreGod]
Fair/good/divine plan. [RulerGod,GoodGod,PureGod]
Universal/control of All plan. [ControlOfAll]
Upgradable plan. [AscendGod,NewGod,BeyondGod]

Related: Global control plan >>1419

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