Space, the ultimate frontier UltimateGod* 10/15/2023 (Sun) 04:35 No.1908 del

The solar system is the current 'ultimate' frontier for humanity. The most logical first step is the colonization of Mars, just ask Elon Musk to confirm it.
For God-like creatures, space could be truly an infinite/ultimate frontier if the universe/multi-verse (of real reality) is infinite.

Keywords: Space control, infinity.

Related: The conquer of space >>679, To infinity and beyond! >>1170

*More names: PhysicGod/FisikGod ExploreGod GodOfAll FutureGod DevelopingGod ResearchGod LogicalGod ScienceGod PowerGod ControlOfAll HomeGod VisualGod BeyondGod

Space: The Final Frontier: [Embed]
"Humorously" almost unrelated: [Embed]

real reality:
Space control:

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