Sub-levels of decisions WiseGod* 12/11/2023 (Mon) 00:34 No.2036 del

Main/core decisions normally leads to many sub-levels of decisions or sub-decisions.
We, as a main decision, decided to try to reach God level, that leads to many sub-decisions including posting this.

Let's put an example:
As a main decision, you simply decide to comment this post. As a sub-decision, you decide to use your native language that is not English. As a sub-decision of this one, you decide to make a joke that cannot be translated properly to English.

*More names [first sentence]: SystemGod CoreGod ConsciousGod ReasoningGod TheoryGod
*More names [second sentence]: CommunityGod GodOfAll AscendGod FutureGod UltimateGod PreparationGod DevelopingGod PlanningGod
*More names [example]: TeachGod SimpleGod CommunicationGod EntertainGod BeingGod

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