>>417 Bad beings: They have negative morality, consciously and intentionally creating problems. Link:Not recommended,Morality,Peace treaty,External beings,All beings
No enemies: We don't see anyone as enemy. Therefore, we don't have enemies. Link:Care,Forgiveness On watch list: Watched closely by the security systems. Link:Monitoring,Checking,Justice,Security Intervention: Actions/decisions taken to intentionally become involved in troublesome situations in order to improve them or prevent them from getting worse. Link:Justice,Actions,Handling everything,Apologies Forced isolation: Sometimes is better to lock them up (enclosure/prison) in order to protect the innocent or the well-being of others. Link:Justice,Law enforcement,Using force if necessary,Shields,Filters,Borders,Virtual reality,Apologies Expulsion/Disconnection: Sometimes is better to keep them out of some places or without connection with such places and beings. Link:Justice,Law enforcement,Using force if necessary,Interconnectivity,Apologies