Anonymous 07/12/2018 (Thu) 23:12:42 No.2112 del
Christianity is keeping faith that Joshua the Christ died and was risen after 3 days (that here is important because soul is attached to the body for about 3 days and bringing people back to life in that period is not so much of a miracle, OT prophets did that too) even unto death. It has nothing to do with intellect. It's waiting for our heavenly Father (and by that I don't mean father Abraham/father Saturn, eh occult is making simple things difficult) to resolve the human condition instead of attempting to correct it ourselves through witchcraft and alchemy. I won't pretend like I know it all but from what I've gathered what we're in is a legal trap because you cannot fulfill the law. You cannot perfect yourself being imperfect. We're playthings for powers we have barely any comprehension of and we're not even able to notice their influence like Joshua did when calling out to Peter "get the behind Satan". This "ye are gods" quote was made in psalm 82 in which god(elohim) speaks to other elohim, corrupted angelic entities that hold power over the earth. Those are also referred to in Eph 6:12
"because we have not the wrestling with blood and flesh, but with the principalities, with the authorities (archons), with the world-rulers of the darkness of this age, with the spiritual things of the evil in the heavenly places;"
Joshua's sacrifice is freely given, what's needed is acceptance from a being (it's not even exclusively human thing Philipians 2:10-11 "that in the name of Jesus every knee may bow -- of heavenlies, and earthlies, and what are under the earth -- and every tongue may confess that Jesus Christ [is] Lord, to the glory of God the Father." but remember no one can confess that Joshua is lord without Holy Spirit so that also fulfills requirements for salvation).

>SAVIOR that becomes ONE with MAN through Shekinah/ISHTAR/"Holy Spirit"/Spiritus Sanctus/EOSTRE/ASHTAROTH
Sounds like some gnostic interpretation. God is said to eventually be all in all (Corinthians 15:28) but I've no idea what that even entails - panteism doesn't fit the bill with rest of the writ. Still you're applying some kind of occult interpretation identifying Holy Ghost with all those names for feminine aspects of Saturn (inb4 but binah is not shekinah - maybe it doesn't systematically work that way but they share symbolism).

Not smoking and eating healthy is hygiene. Racial hygiene is an euphemism for eugenics, 'science' that stems from evolution which is yet another luciferian bullshit. Look at the logo "self direction of human evolution". Bona fide luciferianism. You're too deep in this paradigm of evil jew destroying race to even notice the most glaring manifestations of the occult. While we're at it, it's a bitter pill to swallow but most of the hallowed 'scientists' have been either kabalists, hermeticists, alchemists or some other form of occultists. To name a few from top of my hat: Newton, Copernicus, Galileo, Jack Parsons but there are many many many more.

>nothing to do with alien/demon crap
For some inexplicable reason you stop at early Nazi party political program and propaganda and refuse to see things like Lebensborn program for what it was, an effort to cultivate aryan racial aristocracy and bring back latent psychic powers that ancient 'undegenerated' aryan root race had.
Watch the videos, they detail occult influences behind Hitler's concept of aryan race like Guido von List, Jorg Lanz and Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.

You've spent an entire paragraph trying to educate me on what a word 'archetype' means instead of rereading what I wrote. While you were digressing about promethean archetypes in >>2088 I pointed to a tangible reality of giants (btw that must sound so funny to people who didn't research the topic enough) that this quote from Mein Kampf alluded to. Another sentence I could've used might sound like "We're not talking metaphors here".

>Witches in medieval times wore pointy hats because the Catholic church forced JEWS to wear

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