Release Tomorrow! Anonymous Board owner 11/30/2022 (Wed) 05:20 Id: c4e769 No.1421 del
I had a great week fixing some bugs, adding a hash lookup to the Client API, and attaching a Tag Filter to the PTR, which will make it easier to clear out some less useful and misparsed tags right as they are uploaded, no petition needed.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

Sorry to hear your trouble. Can you talk more about what happened? Did you change the venv, or could an anti-virus or other program have interfered with it? If the activate.bat has disappeared, try running the setup-venv.bat again--that'll clear out your old venv folder and reinstall everything.

Since you have had problems with this, could you tell me what has been most difficult to get going? Has my 'running from source' help been confusing at any point? Did the setup bat fail? How did things break before, and what was the solution? How could I make it easier? I have been adjusting the help and the scripts in recent weeks to be more clear on each step, so I regret it hasn't worked for you.