PIZZA COCAINE SANDWICH 08/17/2019 (Sat) 00:54:12 No.18 del
Dont even bring your shit brains here 8 chum bastards. Fuck all that chan shits bring with them, truly cancer of the mind. The people of 1990 hate your guts and wish you'd not been born.

The problem is that the Internet allowed you chumlings to even communicate your lacks with one another.
Everyone knows kids are gold, BUT you steal from them you rob them
And you wouldn't be a parent and provide for them.
So, you'r niggers, your bottom feeders.
Parents, have all the joys OP mentions, but parenting is the price your generation feels too proud to pay.
Goodbye to you and your entire generation since you love "kids" as a vampire, and that's the point from your own mouth.
BTW everyone fuckin knows pizza joints, beaner food joins and chinese buffet are all drug and flesh fronts, FUCKIN WAKE UP OP YA FEEBLE FUTZ. Stop hoping some kid will make you right. Here is an adult, yes not much of one but still.