Anonymous 06/19/2020 (Fri) 23:07:11 No.142 del
>See the thing is that the media blows the killing of any nigger by the cops way out of proportion. If the same reaction was for Europeans we'd be having riots every day.
I don't think that's the case at all in fact I think it's the opposite. The reason I think this blow up isn't because of just George Floyd but mounting racial tension and awareness in the country. This year even before Floyd their were several racial incidents. There's also the fact that the average black person is more anti-authority than the average white person which leads to more outrage at black deaths by cops than white death. White people just don't go against authority as much because they think the system benefits them.
>However the police are basically a necessary evil.
I don't think most people think that the police needs to be abolished but instead just think the laws,training,culture, etc surrounding the police are fundamentally broken and needs to be fixed somehow. Though problems arise when people can tell something is wrong the system but they don't know exactly what is wrong or how to fix it so they over do it. In short the police don't need to be evil.