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Anyone ever had problems with this Anonymous 07/01/2020 (Wed) 10:57:46 [Preview] No. 366
Alright so one of the things that really interests me for some reason is seeing how characters that come from the same series look completely different in the reboots of the series. This is obviously only for the older series but when it comes to some of them they look nothing like their new and "improved" counterparts. One of the biggest examples I can think of is Tokino Akiyama from Kujibiki Unbalance. Seriously if you put these two in the spotlight and told me they were the same individual I would never believe you. In tokino's case the OVA version to me is miles better. I wish these types of OVA's would come back because I seriously do miss them. They're pretty short as well meaning they don't waste much time. Another example which is less extreme is Tsutomo Senkawa from Tetsuwan no Birdy. Obviously aesthetics isn't everything to an anime but I feel like they ultimately add to the show and give it a distinctive identity. Unlike modern shows that look the same feel the same and have similar premises to each other.

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