Anonymous 05/17/2024 (Fri) 06:25 Id: 1e8784 No.52876 del
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I hate the appeal to antiquity everyone who plays it and insists they're fucking MENSA for playing it.

It reminds me so much of people nostalgic for video games released before they were born and insist they were the best thing ever when you lived through that era and literally no one played it nor did it influence anything.

Have you ever looked at old newspapers from the 19th century or almanacs from about then? Back in high school when everything hadn't gone to shit and you could easily search old newspaper with your school's access to Elephant or something similar in name to that. I remember coming across some meat stew that asked for beef tenderized with something that when looked up has only been used as a poison before it was banned before my grandparents were born. I forget what but the memory stuck with me.