Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 05:48 Id: d7314a No.53944 del
(1.65 MB 2480x3000 GOW1H8aW8AEtKYb.jpg)
Get into photography and use it as an excuse to snap pics of all the cosplay girls, and get their numbers.
Ah, was that the one they were making insane login/participation demands, like it was a second job?
Oh, RIP. Time to, unironically, find a new Discord group. Wanna join the kigu nerds? There's a good number of em from Japan/China. At least you know for a fact they're into anime, weeb mobage, video games, and far east culture... so long as you can get past the kigurumi part.

Y'know what, I fuckin' WILL.