Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 06:02 Id: 6a0181 No.53951 del
(306.54 KB 1604x2048 GMxqyVCa8AAvcNK.jpg)
Yes. Gonna get the monk or double down on your loli?
Ya think they're already getting desperate?
One of the guys in my dorm was like, ah yeah I JUST got into photography so as soon as I got to Japan I went and dropped 1k on a camera!
I guess I could look into budget cameras.
Although, my other idea, is I want to actually try participating in a doujin event once my art gets a bit better.
I almost added in a "Where have I heard that one before?" after that sentence.
You just say that cause you want to have kigu sex!
Seems like you can, I went ahead and used it cause I assume like every other part of the game, it will be like Genshin where they rarely ever update the standard banner 5* roster.