Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 06:17 Id: d7314a No.53958 del
(297.83 KB 1041x1000 F77C9YraoAABj9u.jpg)
Maybe there's somethin' in the water over there...
I'm convinced, here it really is just a desert, a desert of people, too.

Can't tell if it's desperation, don't have my ear to the ground enough for that. It's certainly not the greatest of signs to be just handing out the things they want MiHoYo prices for tho.

Yeah, I don't know when if or with what that banner will be updated with, so I'll just grab the titty monk now. Who did you get?

Well okay, 1k honestly isn't that "big" anymore, either, sadly. The first handgun I ever bought with my own money was 1.2k for instance. I think if he bought it new, okay makes sense. Guys like that can be great though because they actually feed the second hand market. When someone gets freshly into a new hobby and goes for the top, they find out they don't like it, and then try to ditch the Gucchi gear they bought, which you can sometimes swoop in and scoop for the fairweather friend price. So as a beginner, do a good bit of research, find something you think you might like, and then look into the used second, and even third hand markets to price out what people are trying to ditch them for, or why.
Now see art I'll consider as a hobby. I'm still waiting on my Furina pic.
Yeah, Sad, no terribly many cases, wouldn't wanna know em.
Kigus sex looks fun from the outside, can you imagine how hot and sweaty the suit must get tho? Man...