Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 06:41 Id: d7314a No.53965 del
(643.20 KB 920x870 GOLoYV4akAEyshC.jpg)
Yeah, that's why I was blown away. A whole free 5* apologem...
Really? Well props to Kuro.


Well no, look into CAMERAS first. Let's make sure you know how to take a picture, and I don't just mean the hardware, there's fundamentals to just capturing a scene and make it look good, that you can do with a $5 disposable camera, or your damn phone camera, first. Let's research a topic, gather info, THEN look into buying kit. If anything, like Tsuchi said, this is a good place to find a shop where you can talk to real people that really will be willing to autism spill all intricate details of their hobby.
Yeah, when ya told me about your situation and setup it was a bit of a bummer, I feel for ya, I hope you can improve the living quarters within the year honestly. Fingers crossed!
If ya wanna, but I'm more excited to see your finished work when it's actually finished. So I'll delay the gratification. Cool to know you were workin' hard on it though.
I've actually put a lot of thought lately into making my own mask, 'cause I have the means to do so at my disposal for the time being. But I can't settle on a character I could/would do.

It's annoying. It means I have to do out maths and actually THINK before I brainlessly just dump all my gems into the banner currency, and spam the ten pull button! This is manipulative! This is just encouragement to buy moar gems, 'cause now I know I'll need em!
Dirty Jewin' Chinks!