Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 07:15 Id: 6a0181 No.53977 del
(143.68 KB 1200x1588 GNIJDCwboAAqjk3.jpg)
Nah, I'll just keep it set to the green loli.

Yeah, that was cause I was just using my phone camera. I'll try to take more horizontal ones on my next hiking trip.
True. And there's definitely a correlation between art and photography too, so it does appeal to me.
This girl.
Sorry, got my wires crossed, the kigu I saw was from Kancolle.

I'm just finding this out, but not surprised coming from PGR.
Its Pokemon!
Yeah, I'm kinda confused by it too. I assume the good ones will all be from boss stages that require you to actually burn stamina, and all the ones you can just get in the wild are trash.